Study of zona pellucida dilating assisted method for mouse oocyte enucleation 小鼠卵母细胞透明带膨胀辅助去核方法的研究
Expression of nonfull - long human zona pellucida - 3 in cho cell with lentiviral vector 3蛋白慢病毒表达载体的构建及其在中国仓鼠卵巢细胞中表达的研究
This result may indicate that the effect of pmrs on fertilization ability is not in sperm - zona pellucida recognition , but in sperm - egg fusion 提示人精子mr在精子与透明带识别中可能不起介导作用,其对精卵融合能力可能具有影响。
As one of the most promising population control tools in the world today , immuno - contraception using zona pellucida glycoprotein antigens , specifically zp3 , may be used to control lagurus population 卵透明带3 ( zp3 )蛋白是哺乳动物生殖过程中介导精卵结合的关键因子,已被用作免疫不育控制鼠害研究的主要靶抗原。
The recent development of a non - contact 1 . 48 rn diode laser system offers an excellent method for the basic research of physical properties of zona pellucida as well as the clinical application of assisted hatching 一种新型的1 . 48 m二极管激光系统因其精确、快速而为透明带物理特性的基础研究及辅助孵出的临床应用提供了条件。
thick membrane around the mammalian ovum; can be penetrated by one sperm in the fertilization process; usually remains around the fertilized egg until it is implanted in the wall of the uterus
The zona pellucida (plural zonae pellucidae, also egg coat or pellucid zone) is a glycoprotein membrane surrounding the plasma membrane of an oocyte. It is a vital constitutive part of the oocyte, external but of essential importance to it.
zona pellucidaとは意味:透明帯{とうめいたい} zona pellucida meaning: Noun: zona pellucida 'zownu pu'loosidu Thick membrane around the mammalian ovum; can be penetrated by one sperm in the fertilization process; usually remains around the fertilized ...